Is Permanent Makeup Safe?

August 19, 2023

Permanent makeup has revolutionized the way we put on makeup. It allows people to wake up and have perfect lips and brows in their everyday lives. With its rapid growth and popularity, people are more inclined to have permanent makeup procedures done but some remain skeptical of its safety. We’re here to tell you the reality of permanent makeup and its safety.

To provide some background, permanent makeup is a process that is similar to tattooing yet different. It is a form of micropigmentation which involves the use of a needle to place pigment on the skin. It also has a semipermanent result that lasts between 1 to 2 years. You can check out one of our previous articles that explains permanent makeup more in-depth here. 

The way the procedure is performed and your artist’s regulations and experience determine the safety of your procedure. It is important to find a credible and experienced artist that can provide your dream brows in the most sanitary and professional way possible. 

Some clients are concerned with risks like infection and pain. Infections and the transmission of diseases can occur if unsterile needles are used. That’s why, here at Mish Aesthetics, we emphasize proper hygiene and cleanliness in our studio by disinfecting our work areas and disposing of needles before and after appointments. 

As for pain, permanent makeup procedures are reported to be less painful than a regular tattoo. However, everyone has a different pain threshold. During our procedures, we like to pre-numb our clients to minimize any sensations of pain they may feel. 

After the procedure, we ask our clients to follow an aftercare process to maintain and protect their brows and lips. We have more information on our aftercare process in our previous article here. If you’re still feeling skeptical about the process, you can book a consultation to see if our permanent makeup services are right for you. We also have more information in our FAQ section to help guide you. If you’d like to book an appointment, click here.

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Mish is always learning new permanent makeup techniques and studying how to achieve the most natural looks.


